Our Products


Book on and off sites with ease

All through users’ smart phones – no more phone calls or manual sign in / out processes.


Holistic view of access and egress activities

Connect’s web portal allows admin users to view access and egress activities in real-time across sites and locations, and facilitates effective communications with workers on the ground.


Notify lone workers and site teams

Send alerts to site teams and lone workers, notifying personnel of new restrictions, local weather warnings and urgent updates.


GPS integration

Connect syncs with Garmin and SPOT devices to pinpoint accurate locations of personnel in no signal zones.


KUDO Connect


Designed by renewable energy experts

The KUDO team has collectively managed thousands of renewable energy assets over the past 15 years, and has developed the Command product based on their market leading expertise whilst considering the requirements of operators, asset managers and resourcing teams.

Bespoke integration package including training

We appreciate rolling out new systems is no easy feat, which is why our team of product specialists will manage the wider integration piece in collaboration with your representatives on the ground. We’ll make sure Connect is integrated with any systems you have in place, and will also lead the delivery of in-person training sessions with your teams.

Technology and market agnostic

Dynamic by design, Command is compatible with all mainstream renewable technologies across international markets.

Work order management

Create new work orders, permits and procedures at the click of a button, whilst recording the induction status of relevant personnel.

Resource planning and task allocation

Assign tasks to individuals based on their certification and induction status through an intuitive dashboard, allowing for efficient work and resource planning.


Our Products

KUDO Connect

Our mobile app and web portal streamlining site access, egress and communications protocols across a range of operational work environments.


KUDO Command

Our control room product supporting asset management and operations


Mobile App

A slick and simple app allowing users to book on and off sites and locations with ease, with all activity synchronised to Connect’s web portal.

Book on and off sites in seconds

Users can book on and off sites and locations, whilst viewing any relevant restrictions or updates.

Provides key contact information

Contact details for site and location representatives are embedded within the app, allowing users to make contact directly as required.

Offline functionality

Users can book off sites in no signal zones, with the app registering the booking off event with the original time stamp when mobile signal is available.

Web Portal

Connect’s nerve centre is its web portal, allowing those with admin rights to add new users, locations and sites, whilst managing inductions (if required) and communicating with site teams and lone workers. It displays access and egress activity across all locations and sites registered on the platform, and syncs seamlessly with the mobile app.


Users, sites and locations management

Register and on-board new users to the platform, and add new sites and locations in a few clicks.

Holistic real-time reporting  

View all access and egress activity in real time across sites, locations and portfolios. Receive auto-alerts when workers exceed their stated departure time to prompt any relevant actions.

Integration with GPS devices

No signal, no problem. Connect synchronises with Garmin and SPOT devices and displays the last known locations of workers.

Restrictions and weather warnings

Add site and location-specific restrictions with varying levels of severity, potentially requiring users to contact site representatives prior to booking on, whilst preventing booking on events in scenarios where it may not be safe to.

Have visibility of significant weather updates, and add local weather warnings and their estimated time windows as they are forecast.

Information such as site and location-specific restrictions and weather warnings can be displayed to the user in the app at the time of booking on, or sent as notifications to users’ phones in scenarios where new restrictions or weather warnings are raised after users have booked on.

Communicate with remote teams and lone workers

Notifications can be sent to users’ phones with urgent updates or in the event of emergencies. Connect will send ‘read’ notifications to admin users to allow those workers who have not read the notifications to be identified, in order to inform who may require a phone call to communicate any updates.

Site / location-specific documentation

Upload all relevant documentation including RAMs, emergency response protocols and site/location-specific summaries.

Robust record keeping

Maintains an historical record of all documentation, inductions logs and access and egress activity for internal analysis and audit purposes.

Inductions management (additional fee)

Upload and maintain all training material and documentation to facilitate inductions, and record all users’ training and authorisations through the portal. Connect flags users who have not yet completed any relevant inductions, and alerts admin users when inductions are due to expire.

The Challenge

Control room operations are both complex and safety critical. Data volumes are large and currently available software solutions can be difficult to use.

Our Solution

KUDO Command brings together all of your assets information for monitoring and control purposes. This has been built, tried and tested by industry veterans in analytics, control room operations and software development. This is a custom solution built on years of experience in managing thousands of renewable assets which gives this software an unrivalled edge.

Command facilitates seamless onsite access and egress, with a focus on health and safety protocol. Providing real-time monitoring of health and safety conditions per asset, our software enhances opportunities for preventative measures and response capabilities.

Full visibility of all onsite restrictions and access to site and contractor contact information enhances communication and collaboration, by providing a centralised platform for sharing and confirming acknowledgment of safety information among users.

Access to critical functionality can be customised by groups of multiple users, creating an organised approach to health and safety management.

With incident tracking and analysis on a per-user, per-asset basis, users can analyse and customise safety practices. By customising these to adhere to industry requirements, Command ensures consistent adherence to industry regulations and standards.